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Wickes Sabbath

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Sİteden Gelen Para Ne Yazık Kİ Yok Denecek Kadar Az. Bİze Destek Olmak İstersen Aşağıdakİ Butona Tıklayabİlİrsİn.

About Gaming in Turkey

Game in Turkey

Turkey has 80 million population and 39% of it is under age 25. High smartphone and internet penetration translates well into domestic gaming revenue which is 18th in the world with $853 million. Also, it has a strong gaming ecosystem where its gaming exports is even greater than domestic revenue.

Total Gamers


Paying Gamers


Total Domestic Gaming Revenue


Gaming Market by Total Revenue


Annual Revenue Growth in Mobile Games


of Population is Social Media User

About Us


The usage of the internet in Turkey is increasing and continuing to grow like a snowball because of new initiatives, sizable investments and the games produced each passing day.

With the restrictions in all countries because of the Covid 19 epidemic, the usage of the internet in the world has increased the interest in digital platforms and social media, especially in the game industry.

In 2020, the Turkish game industry has gained a serious momentum thanks to the software companies whose developers share their knowledge and increased investment in local companies in Turkey in recent years.

In March 2021, 6 of the 10 most downloaded games in the USA were games developed or published by Turkish companies. This shows the success of the gaming industry in Turkey.

While digital broadcasting platforms have reached the highest subscriber numbers in their history in the last year, new platforms are being launched every day.

According to a survey in Turkey, it only remains 2.3% of 16-64 age range who do not to use phone. 97.2% of the phones used are smart phones.
In 2021, the number of Internet users in Turkey increased by 3.7 million compared to the previous year.

The number of social media users increased by 11% and the number of users of social media in Turkey reached 70.8% of the total population. This number is increasing day by day.

We, as AnadoluStudios, aim to take our place in this rapidly developing market with our well-equipped and professional team.

In accordance with this purpose, we work with an understanding that is customer-oriented and prioritizes customer satisfaction with quality and fast service.

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